Causes that Tom and his family are involved with and care about; * ATH - Assisting the Homeless & Shave For The
Homeless (www.assistingthehomeless.org
) : In what has started as a dare, has
evolved into an event to raise money and awareness of the homeless
crisis. Please feel free to contact Tom at the ATH Headquarters or
the BEDS office at PO BOX 2035, La Grange IL, 60525 to either make a
donation or to join the ranks of those who have Shaved For The
some brave young men
Heidi and Luke
who is next?
brothers for the cause
look at me
just a little more
are you sure you want me to do this? shaved buddies
Tom's turn the finished product some face (or head) painting fun
most of the group - 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tom 2006 * The School District 106 is one that Melissa and I support and are involved with. Our boys are attending the Highlands school and we like to do what we can to help make that school as good as it can be. * The District 106 Educational Foundation: Is a fantastic fund raiser for the school and local community. More information can be found at their web site http://xbox.district106.net/html/modules.php?name=Educational_Foundation. * Little League: The Little League is a great organization that strives to teach our youth about athletics, life and good sportsmanship. More information can be found at http://www.ltllbaseball.com. * There are many more from churches, to parks, to hunger in Africa, Doctors without Borders, to scouting. The whole families feels it is very important to try to make our world a better place. |